
Positive Ageing is an approach to getting older which recognises how our thoughts, beliefs, ideas and attitudes can have a significant impact on our physical and emotional wellbeing as we age. The Positive Ageing approach also believes that ageing is something to work at and to shape proactively, rather than just to experience in a passive way. By facing up to the reality of our ageing and envisaging the sort of later life we would really like to achieve, then we can begin to have more influence over our health and well being as we age.

This website aims to promote the Positive Ageing approach through sharing the research evidence and other helpful resources so that others may integrate this approach into their lives and improve their chances of having a much better later life.

The philosophy and practice of Positive Ageing is outlined in detail in Guy Robertson’s book The Ten Steps of Positive Ageing.

For further information on any aspect of positive ageing and the content of this site, contact

Ageing is inevitable – growing old in mind and attitude is optional!